
Too much alcohol is a problem too

What is not effective, though, is 100 per cent alcohol, because water is necessary to make sanitisers effective.

It’s a message the World Health Organisation (WHO) is hoping to get out with the release of formulas for making alcohol-based sanitiser at home.

It has been about nine weeks since Italy’s first case of coronavirus, but life is unrecognisable now.

“100 per cent alcohol is nowhere near as effective as 70 per cent, for instance, so getting the right concentration is important,” Professor Collignon said.

Ultimately, the best way to stay safe is to stay home โ€” and when it comes to keeping hands clean, washing them thoroughly in warm soapy water is more effective than any hand sanitiser.

“None of them are helpful unless you’re minimising your touching practices and using good hand hygiene,” Professor McLachlan said.

“So, making sure you’re avoiding high-touch surfaces like ATMs, handrails, lift buttons, using other parts of your body like elbows, knees or feet to open doors, and also not touching your eyes, face and nose.

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